All joints of the human body have two enemies, and they cannot fully function. They are arthritis and arthritis. Despite their similar names, they are two different pathological processes that affect articular cartilage tissue. Below we will consider the difference between arthritis and arthritis.
As you know, cartilage ensures the function of joints. Because cartilage lacks blood vessels and nerve endings, cartilage is firm and firm. Because of it, the pressure on the tissues with capillaries or nerve fibers is reduced.
When a person exercises, the cartilage tissue can promote the painless and unimpeded rotation of the bones in the joint cavity, thereby preventing damage to the joints due to friction. In the process of jumping and walking, the cartilage softens the load and acts as a shock absorber.
Osteoarthritis and arthritis can cause joint stiffness, which prevents people from leading a normal life due to restricted movement. The two diseases have many similar symptoms, but many other symptoms are also fundamentally different.
Physiological processes caused by arthritis
The first symptom of the disease is joint pain. For arthritis, the inflammatory process of cartilage tissue begins.
In the joints, arthritis can affect:
- Joint capsule
- Synovial fluid, lubricates and nourishes tissues and joint cavities;
- Located on the edge of the synovial membrane.
Patients diagnosed with arthritis most often complain of pain and joint stiffness. The inflamed area starts to turn red, and the temperature rises even in the area of arthritis or polyarthritis. In some cases, pain syndrome may also be felt in the mating joint on the other arm or leg.

The symptom that worries patients in the presence of arthritis and polyarthritis is the swelling of extra-articular tissues.
However, despite the reduced functions, the structure has not been deformed. Arthritis causes the appearance of an inflammatory process of cartilage tissue, which is caused by trauma, infection or metabolic disorders. This disease is completely curable, but the premise is that the patient must follow the doctor’s advice during the treatment and not use unproven folk therapies to treat arthritis. If you go with the flow, this disease will cause joint degeneration.
Physiological processes caused by arthritis
The presence of arthritis or spondyloarthritis leads to pathological processes in the joint cavity. Since there are no blood vessels in cartilage tissue, it feeds on synovial fluid, which contains many elements.
When a person reaches old age, the metabolic process in his body begins to slow down, as a result, the nutrition of cartilage deteriorates, leading to its deterioration.
Cartilage with various arthritis becomes thin and cannot cope with shock absorption function. Therefore, patients begin to feel pain syndrome when the joints are affected.
In this case, since there is no inflammatory process, it is meaningless to take anti-inflammatory drugs to treat joint disease. This disease occurs in the elderly. Its occurrence is affected by a person's lifestyle. Those who eat the right diet, lead a healthy lifestyle, and usually do not develop arthritis.
In addition, another factor different from arthritis is that, unlike the first disease, the second disease has no edema and tissue redness.

What's more, arthritis is different in that it affects specific joints. If it affects the joints on one arm, it will not be on the other arm. It usually occurs in large joints such as the hips or knees.
Different characteristics of the disease
Similar symptoms:
- In the morning, a person feels numbness and stiffness in the joints.
- Loss of limb movement;
- You will feel pain when you move the affected joint.
These are the inherent symptoms of the two diseases, but the pain has different characteristics, where it occurs, and the duration of sensation is also different. Usually, doctors rely on these indications when making a diagnosis.
The difference between arthritis and arthritis
- There is arthritis in the joints of the affected area, and an increase in skin temperature is observed. This process is caused by inflammation. But for arthritis, although the degenerative process is ongoing, there is no such symptom.
- Arthritis causes swelling of the upper layer of tissue, while the second disease does not have this symptom.
- In the presence of polyarthritis, arthritis caused by inflammation can lead to subcutaneous nodules. This symptom is not inherent to arthritis.
- Arthritis can cause joint deformation, and if it is not treated (joint replacement with ointment or other methods), it will not be able to operate. The presence of polyarthritis or arthritis does not cause deformity.
- The skin on the affected area turns red due to inflammation of the arthritis. The second disease does not change the color of the skin.
Similar signs and their differences
Many nuances can be diagnosed during research. In the following, symptoms with individual and similar symptoms will be described.
Painful feeling
As mentioned above, pain syndrome occurs in both diseases. However, arthritis must be characterized by inflammation that causes pain. The nature of the pain is severe and can even appear at night or immediately after waking up.
When they use new miracle creams or therapies advertised on the Internet to treat polyarthritis, many people themselves exacerbate the situation. Any good doctor will tell you that you cannot prescribe medicines for arthritis on your own.
Regarding arthritis, pain occurs due to the degradation of cartilage tissue, and as a result, it cannot reduce the load. If there is no amortization, the bone instrument will be injured.
After a long walk or exercise that will burden the joints, people will feel unbearable pain. When the disease first appears, the patient may feel mild discomfort, but as the disease progresses, the condition will only get worse. In this case, not only do you need to take pills or other drugs for the treatment of arthritis, but the treatment methods should also be complicated and should be carried out under the guidance of a doctor.
Deformation process
Both diseases can change the structure of joints. Arthritis can be identified by visual inspection of visible external physiological changes: local temperature increase, redness, swelling and nodule formation.
Usually, arthritis is accompanied by: weakness, sweating, psoriasis. Only certain types of arthritis cause changes in joint structure-these are osteoarthritis and traumatic arthritis.
Arthritis is considered a more insidious disease because it does not manifest itself externally. However, mobile tissue deformation occurs in the joint cavity. The cartilage becomes thinner, and as a result, the bone tissue is under abnormal pressure.
When suffering from arthritis, swelling occurs in the affected joint area. The cause is inflammation of the synovial membrane, located in the middle of the sac. When checking the patient’s analysis results, it was found that the white blood cell level was elevated. Usually, the presence of infection or injury leads to the appearance of the inflammatory process.
Since there is no inflammation, arthritis does not cause an increase in white blood cells. The degeneration process begins gradually, and usually one does not even notice any symptoms.
Click and crunch
The symptom of arthritis is joint soreness. The reason for this is the damage of cartilage tissue, which can cause pain during bone-tissue interactions. However, sit-ups do not always indicate the presence of disease, and a healthy person can also hear the click. When suffering from joint disease, the sound becomes rough and dry.
For arthritis, there is no sense of tightness, because inflammation causes the joints to swell and cannot move completely, so the cartilage tissue will perform its function.

Joint action
Both of these diseases have common symptoms because they limit the mobility of the joints. However, the reason for stiffness is different.
Due to the thinning of cartilage tissue, the joint movement ability of arthritis is reduced, and there is no such symptom when the disease occurs. In arthritis, stiffness is caused by inflammation and is widespread. The joints are completely paralyzed.
General and specific causes of occurrence
The common cause of illness is injury from running or jumping. Similarly, the normal and heavy load of the joints may also cause this condition. Therefore, disease is the most common disease among professional athletes. Another cause is severe or frequent hypothermia, which usually occurs in the joints of the limbs.
Arthritis occurs due to inflammation caused by infection in the human body; this is not common in arthritis. Since inflammation is a process throughout the body, arthritis is only a consequence. In order to cure the disease, it is necessary to find the cause of the inflammatory process and eliminate it. In addition, being overweight can put pressure on the joints, which can lead to arthritis. In this case, the joints of the lower limbs and the musculoskeletal system are at risk.
Osteoarthritis is another disease because the process has nothing to do with the general condition of the body. Due to malnutrition, the reason for its appearance is hidden in a small amount of substances that enter the human body. Similarly, bad habits, such as smoking and alcohol abuse, can also cause this disease. Usually its appearance is caused by circulatory system diseases and hormonal imbalance. According to statistics, the elderly mainly suffer from arthritis.

Who is in danger
People of any age are susceptible to arthritis. Diseases caused by infections even affect babies. According to statistics, women are more likely to suffer from arthritis.
As for arthritis, the elderly suffer from arthritis. Generally, the deformation of cartilage tissue structure begins in people over 60 years of age. The fact is that the older a person is, the slower the metabolic process in the body, which is also affected by the person's lifestyle. By the way, people with arthritis are more likely to develop arthritis.
Risk groups include people with bad habits, regular physical exercise and poor diet.
Common in the treatment of arthritis and arthritis
In order to treat these diseases, some of the same measures have been taken:
- The patient must eliminate any pressure and establish a backup plan;
- Take medicines that can restore and nourish cartilage;
- Combine massage with exercise therapy to improve the body's metabolic process and blood flow to diseased joints;
- Use analgesics to relieve pain;
- The doctor prescribes intra-articular blockers in the form of injections;
- Oxygenation of joints;
- The patient switched to a complex diet.
In particular, the course of antibiotic treatment for infectious arthritis will be different to treat the underlying cause of the disease.
When the stage progressed, they resorted to surgery as a treatment. This demand arises when cartilage tissue is completely destroyed. In this case, a prosthetic joint will be installed.