Treatment of hip joint disease

Hip arthropathy is deformity of the hip joint.Hip joint diseaseThis is a chronic disease characterized by degenerative tissue changes and cartilage damage. In terms of symptoms, hip joint disease is determined by frequent pain and deformity of the hip joint, and impaired mobility. The pathological changes are based on cartilage damage and subsequent inflammation. For arthropathy, bone tissue is changed. The disease occurs locally, but other joints may also be involved. The main group suffering from the disease is the elderly. Risk factors may be genetic predisposition, overweight and trauma. People with this problem will find endocrine disorders and metabolic imbalances. But the main focus of treatment is to restore the structure and function of cartilage. The treatment of hip joint disease is a long-term process, including anti-inflammatory treatment, the use of chondroitin and glucosamine preparations to supplement joint nutrition, exercise therapy and physical therapy. It is recommended to use herbal treatments at home to maintain the joints. Proper diet and moderate exercise are essential.

Symptoms of hip joint disease

For hip joint disease, the articular cartilage mainly undergoes deformation changes. The development of the disease has 3 stages. In the initial stage, there is no morphological change in the joint tissue. Only its functional feasibility is affected. A person will experience periodic pain in the joint area after physical exertion, running, or long-distance walking. After resting, the pain syndrome disappeared. In the second stage, the bones begin to deform. The naturalness of the movement drops sharply. The pain is severe and often occurs at rest. The third stage is characterized by chronic pain syndrome. Pain plagues patients day and night. Walking without crutches is difficult, and people are forced to lean forward. Various growths appear on the joint bones.

The main symptoms of joint disease include:

  • Morning stiffness
  • Joint pain;
  • It is difficult to move within a distance of more than 1 km;
  • Pain worsens when sitting or standing for a long time.

Podiatrists say hip joint disease is one of the most common types of joint disease. High-risk groups include obese people, heavy manual workers, and the elderly. Lack of treatment can lead to complete destruction of the hip joint, accompanied by unnatural mobility or complete immobility, and severe lower limb dysfunction.

medical treatement

Treatment of hip joint disease begins with movement restrictions. This is a long-term process that combines multiple treatments: taking anti-inflammatory analgesics, intra-articular injections, physical therapy, and exercise therapy.

The treatment characteristics of hip joint disease of degree 1, 2, and 3:

  • In the first stage, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed to prevent the inflammatory process, drugs that normalize the metabolic process, analgesics are also needed, and folk therapies are used in complex treatments;
  • In the second stage of hip joint disease, add hyaluronic acid-based intra-articular injection in addition to drug treatment, laser treatment, and electrical stimulation;
  • In the third stage, conservative and surgical treatments are adopted, and joint prosthesis is performed when it cannot be dealt with without surgery.

Medicine plays the biggest role. Without anti-inflammatory and support agents, changes in malnutrition cannot be avoided, and persistent pain cannot be eliminated. Doctors prescribe various medicinal preparations to relieve the patient's condition during the worsening period.

  • Medicine plays the biggest role. Without anti-inflammatory and support agents, changes in malnutrition cannot be avoided, and persistent pain cannot be eliminated. The doctor prescribes various medicinal preparations to relieve the patient's condition during the worsening period.
  • Muscle relaxants. Reduce skeletal muscle tension. The muscles relax, so the pain syndrome is reduced, and the person gets rest from the pain. These drugs are contraindicated in patients with arrhythmia.
  • Cartilage protective agent. Symptomatic preparation containing collagen. They nourish and repair damaged cartilage. They provide collagen to the joints from the outside and stimulate the body to produce collagen. Long-term use of chondroprotective drugs. Under the influence of these funds, the metabolism in the tissue is improved, and the damaged cartilage gradually grows. In combination therapy, these drugs are undoubtedly beneficial, especially in the early stages of the disease. In chronic joint disease, they postpone disability.

In order to prevent the destruction of cartilage tissue and provide "lubrication" to the joints, injections are made with preparations based on hyaluronic acid and synthetic substances, whose composition is similar to synovial fluid. They are highly compatible with human tissues. They effectively prevent the process of cartilage destruction and have analgesic and cartilage protection effects. The synthetic substance contains silver ions, which has an additional antibacterial effect.


Endoprosthesis is a surgical method to treat the hip joint. When irreversible consequences occur in cartilage tissue due to hip joint disease and dysplasia, they turn to joint replacements. As a result of the operation, not only can the persistent pain syndrome be relieved, but also the function and mobility of the joints can be restored. The artificial joint is made of metal polyethylene and ceramic. Fix the living bone with bone cement and without bone cement. The endoprosthesis is well rooted and can be used for decades. But in some cases, the prosthesis wears out quickly, and then a second surgery is required.

Physiotherapy treatment

The treatment of hip joint disease is carried out through complex measures, including with the help of physical therapy. This direction is related to physical rehabilitation, supporting the body during recovery and relief, and preventing deterioration. Physiotherapy is performed by orthopedic physicians, traumatologists, rheumatologists, chiropractors, and sports therapists.

The following methods are considered effective for the treatment of hip joint disease:

  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Laser Treatment;
  • Induction heating;
  • massage;
  • Manipulative therapy.

Through ultrasonic therapy, high-frequency waves penetrate the tissue and act as a vibration massage. They improve biochemical processes, prevent stagnation, and promote better absorption of drugs. Ultrasound can reduce inflammation.

Laser treatment can dilate blood vessels, stimulate lymph flow, inhibit inflammation, and heal tissues. This technology improves tissue nutrition and helps maintain the structure and function of organs.

During induction heating, high-frequency waves affect the body. This method is effective in the presence of any inflammation and pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Stimulates the immune system, relieves pain, and has a regenerative effect.

Massage is hardware and mechanical. Contrary to popular belief, not only the surface of the skin and muscles are exposed during the massage. During the work of the masseur, the reflex and body fluid mechanisms of visceral regulation are activated. Combined with a variety of massage techniques, patients can obtain antispasmodic, nourishing, lymphatic drainage and analgesic effects.

Chiropractors work on human bones and joints. It can relieve tension in some parts, regulate other parts, eliminate pain, and restore the functional vitality of joints. First, the doctor applies diagnostic techniques, during which he determines the condition and function of muscles, ligaments, and joints. Then he continued treatment. Manual techniques are not used during exacerbations and complications.

The role of hydrotherapy

Nursing home treatment is very important for hip joint disease. The treatment and prevention institutions that support patients with musculoskeletal diseases mainly use natural factors.

  • Climate therapy. These are combinations of topographical features, weather factors, sea water, sunlight, and air. Climatic therapy helps to recover, prevent deterioration, and improve the progress of biological and physiological processes in the body. The ideal conditions for the treatment of joint diseases are created in areas with high temperatures and large amounts of solar radiation.
  • Healing mud. The place of origin is different. They are peat, sulfide-silt, sapropel, hydrothermal fluid. They are characterized by high heat capacity. They contain mineral, organic, and biologically active ingredients that can penetrate the skin and have a beneficial effect on joints. They improve metabolic processes, reduce inflammation, and normalize blood circulation.
  • mineral water. It contains trace elements, dissolved salts, and biologically active substances. For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, mineral baths are recommended. The procedure increases fluidity, reconciles, activates blood circulation, and improves metabolism.
  • Phytotherapy. A method based on the use of herbs. Infusions and decoctions contain a large amount of active substances, which not only effectively support the disease, but also have significant therapeutic effects.

The natural factor treatment in the sanatorium is combined with physical therapy methods, exercise therapy, diet and nutrition, and adherence to daily health preservation. The hydrotherapy project is developed for all stages of joint disease.

physical activities

Among the recommendations for patients with arthropathy, doctors recommend limiting the load on the legs. It is worth stopping, squatting, and doing physical work more carefully in the house and garden. If you already feel pain, do not strain the joint (reduce the base load). It is especially worth excluding running and jumping. However, you can't live without gymnastics.

In order for the joints to function, special exercises should be performed. People with arthropathy are definitely not suitable for "young people" gymnastics-fast speed, increased load, and high training intensity. For painful joints, gymnastics should be performed very slowly, smoothly, and sparingly until discomfort or pain occurs. If there is pain-it is worth taking a break.

Therapeutic gymnastics can normalize the muscle condition, improve the blood circulation of the joints, provide them with adequate nutrition, and remove the products of decay and inflammation. Gymnastics helps the medicine to quickly enter the painful joints and begin the healing effect. The most difficult task in physical therapy practice is to distribute the load correctly. Too short exercise will not achieve the therapeutic effect. The excessive load will cause additional damage to the joints. Qualified advice can only be given by the attending doctor. They will depend on the condition of the patient and the characteristics of the course of the disease in each case.

Nutrition for hip joint disease

There are many reasons for cartilage destruction. Nutrition is very important in the treatment of hip joint arthropathy of degree 1, 2, and 3. Today, the market is flooded with foods rich in preservatives. Attractive hams, bacons, and sausages, showing off on the shelves, contain a lot of specific ingredients. Meat is treated with enzymes, the active substances can speed up the production process and quickly obtain attractive products. Preservatives can extend the shelf life of any product: ready-made or unprocessed, which has to be widely used by manufacturers.

When eating foods that contain preservatives, a person will consume too much salt, thereby retaining water. Salt will retain and accumulate in cartilage tissues, leading to joint dysfunction. This joint disease is essentially a simple inflammation, which is very suitable for treatment. Hip joint disease occurs under the background of metabolic disorders, metabolic failure, and the intake of junk food, and it is necessary to adhere to diet. There is no need to strictly limit your food intake or give up a complete list of healthy foods. It is enough to follow some simple rules:

  • Reject any ready-made bacon in the store;
  • Does not include edible concentrated broth;
  • According to the cooking method, mainly boil and stew;
  • Eliminate the consumption of salt completely, do not buy salted fish, sausages, and canned food;
  • Ingest no more than 10-15 grams of animal fat per day, and add various vegetable oils when preparing meals;
  • Monitor the calorie content of food and give up so-called "fast" carbohydrates, sugars, and candies;
  • Eliminate mayonnaise from your diet and season salads and sauces with low-fat sour cream;
  • Does not include consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • Limit the consumption of fatty fish and caviar.

Don't buy bacon, but natural meat, that is, chickens raised on farms by domestic producers. It is best to cook the first dish in vegetable broth instead of cooking vitamin-rich foods for several hours. The popular broth cubes today are almost 100% chemicals. This is the purest form of injury.

You shouldn't give up boiled meat altogether. But it is best to put the pre-cooked lean meat pieces on the plate in batches, and then pour the vegetable broth. To reject meat altogether is extreme.

The old way to preserve the strength of bones and joints is to freeze meat. Decades ago, when little was known about artificial preservatives, this made sense. Now, such products can only increase cholesterol.

Fresh fish has not been treated with preservatives before. But modern manufacturers have also learned this. Today, we can only talk about the benefits of fish, if it comes to the counter directly from the trawler, or if it is bought alive.

Only by changing the principles of nutrition can one reduce the pain of deformed joints. The diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables, berries, herbs, and fruits. Low-fat dairy products, lean meats, and chicken are useful. Rice, beets, potatoes, and watermelon help remove salt from the body. It is recommended to arrange a fasting day for kefir, cottage cheese, fruit, and herbal soup once a week.